3 Vacant Land Lots in Milan, NM totaling .92 acres.
Other nearby single lots are selling for as much as $13,000. This is 3 lots together!
This property is on Clay St. near the corner of Catalina Ave.
Mobile homes or trailers are allowed. Based on its size you could put at least 5 or 6 dwellings on these 3 lots and potentially rent out the space.
Utilities are present with electric along the back of the lot. There are 2 water and sewer taps on the lot saving any owner lots of money and more time.
Paved road access across from Miradal Park.
Milan is historically known as Uranium Mining town and that tradition conditions with a promising long term outlook.
Milan is a town with amenities and community features. There is very nice indoor Swimming pool, county run basketball and baseball leagues for kids, schools.
Mount Taylor is 25 minutes away
Albuquerque is 1 hour 15 minutes away
Grants is 15 minutes away
Santa Fe is 2 hours away
County: Cibola
Size: .92 Acres
Terrain: Flat
Access: Paved Road Access
Approx GPS:
Water: 2 city water hookups along the road
Electricity: Available hookups behind lot
Septic: City sewer
Conveyance: Warranty Deed
Zoning: Residential, mobiles allowed
Purchase Options:
Limited time Cash Discount $18,560